
Praça do Município, s/n

6420-107 Trancoso

Chefe da Divisão Administrativa

Dr. Francisco Coelho | |




Brief description of the Municipality - The city of Trancoso, a medieval village and one of the 12 Historic Villages of Portugal, is located on top of a plateau, reaching its Castle 885m above sea level.

With numerous monuments, of civil and religious architecture, it has one of the most expressive Historical Centers in the country, visited annually by several tens of thousands of tourists.

In addition to the heritage, the well-known hospitality of the people from the border and the rich gastronomy also stand out, highlighting the sausages, cheeses and wines, and the Sardines Sweets, of conventual origin.

Castle - of military and defense structure, it has a Keep inside, a unique testimony in the country for its truncated conical structure of Mozarabic origin.

Walls - the old urban center is still delimited, in almost all its length, by the imposing belt of walls built in the reigns of D. Afonso III or D. Dinis and largely benefited in time by D. Fernando.

Casa do Bandarra - interpretive center created in honor of the shoemaker, poet and prophet Gonçalo Anes Bandarra, known by many as the “Portuguese Nostradamus”.

Isaac Cardoso - the presence of the largest Jewish community in the region between the centuries. XVI and XVII is reflected in the different cruciform marks scattered throughout Judiaria and also in the Interpretation Center for Jewish Culture Isaac Cardoso, a space that, in addition to including a beautiful replica of the Sephardic synagogue, intends to make known the legacy ancestor of the Jewish communities of Beira.

Routes and Historical Facts

Caminhos de Santiago - the nascent Portugal route rebuilds the Santiago way through the interior of Portugal between Tavira and Trancoso, joining Torres, which comes from Salamanca and ends in Santiago de Compostela. / p>

Events not to be missed:

Feira do Fumeiro in late February / early March for two weekends;

Festa da História on the last weekend of June, with the recreation of the wedding of El Rei D. Dinis with D. Isabel de Aragão;

Music Festival at the Castle in mid-July;

Feira de São Bartolomeu in mid-August, the oldest free fair in the country, created in 1273 by King D. Afonso III, father of D. Dinis, lasts 10 days;

Feira da Castanha in the first weekend of November;

Weekly market The largest in the region, it is born in parallel to the Feira de São Bartolomeu and takes place every Friday of the year.