
Câmara Municipal da Guarda

Praça do Município

6300-854 Guarda




County’s Brief description - The attribution of the Carta de Foral to the Guarda, in November 27th, 1199, by King D. Sancho I, marks the origin of the highest city in mainland Portugal. Eight centuries of history have received a valuable historical and patrimonial heritage, plus an intense and appealing cultural program. The City of Health and fresh air presents the visitor with the beauty of its landscapes and a vast natural heritage.

Guarda is a hospitable city with a rich gastronomy par excellence, with particular emphasis on good cheese and unparalleled sausages, such as the famous black pudding of Guarda. The Bold, Brandishing, Biting, True-Blue and Beautiful city awaits your visit.

Sé Catedral da Guarda - D. Sancho I, al repoblar la ciudad y verla levantarse de puntillas desde su castillo a 1.056 metros de altitud, tan cerca del Cielo y tan levantada de la Tierra, quiso satisfacerle de inmediato sus anhelos espirituales, abriendo una puerta al Infinito. Guarda, a finales del siglo XII y principios del XIII, fue un importante punto estratégico en la política de asentamiento de D. Sancho I, hecho que explica el traslado de la sede del Obispado, de la antigua Egitânia de Idanha-a-Velha para Guarda. La construcción de la actual Catedral de la Guarda se inició a finales del siglo XIV y continuó hasta el siglo XVI.

Torre dos Ferreiros - As part of the east side wall, Torre dos Ferreiros was one of the most important medieval strongholds, currently classified as a national monument. Three doors inside it guaranteed the total security of the population. Among them was a guillotine door, one of the few in Portugal. It formed, together with other hinged doors, a double closing device still recognizable on the door to the outside.

Judería - The Jewish presence has been present in Guarda since at least the 12th century. As in other cities and towns in the country, Jews were recognized as a separate community. Judiaria was installed inside the walled perimeter, relatively close to the main roads, as was the case of Rua de S. Vicente and the churchyard of the Igreja de S. Vicente, where there was a great economic circulation, which thus allowed the development of economic activity. The main gate of Judiaria is located at Quatro Quinas, near the Porta d´El-Rei. This proximity to the entrance made the permanence of the Jews on the eastern side of the great medieval fence more limited, isolating them from the rest of the city.

Torre de Menagem - Tower of irregular pentagonal blueprint, built at the end of the 13th century, with original access through the door of the second register, facing west. It is currently isolated on the highest platform of the Historic Center, at 1056m of altitude. However, it would be part of a complex defensive system, the Alcáçova, surrounded by walls including several buildings, such as the mayor's house, barracks and a cistern.

County’s festivals, pilgrimages or traditional events

February/March - Guarda Folia

May - Feira Ibérica de Turismo

June- International Symposium on Contemporary Art; Santos do Bairro

July -Senhor do Bonfim Festivities

August – Senhora do Mileu Festivities

Antiques and Collectibles Fair - from July to October (every 1st Sunday of the month)

September - Feira farta; Festas de S. Vicente Festivities; Senhora dos Remédios Festivities

November/December - Guarda Cidade Natal